Teacher-student cooperation as an educational means of the lesson
It all starts with the teacher, with his ability to organize pedagogically appropriate relationships with students as the basis for creative communication. A teacher is someone who shares knowledge, wisdom and experience, and a student adopts them.
In front of the Teacher are living, ever–changing, unpredictable students, from whom you do not always know what to expect. And where, if not in the classroom, there is a huge field of activity for the teacher to create conditions for improving the quality of knowledge. Therefore, a lesson is one of the components of the quality of the educational process.
What is the main thing in the lesson? Every teacher has his own, absolutely firm opinion on this matter. Each teacher, when planning his lesson, sets goals and objectives that he would like to implement together with the students, considering a particular topic.
Firstly, I want the lesson to be interesting, because an interesting lesson is the activation of intellectual and volitional processes, their interpenetration and interaction with each other.
Secondly, the teacher strives to ensure that the lesson is effective.
Scientists note: "The higher the interest and activity of students in the lesson, the higher the result of the lesson."
A thinking teacher, comprehending and analyzing his activities, should pay special attention to which methods of interaction and communication are more typical and more often used for him. He must possess the skills of professional self-diagnosis, without which a communication style that is organic to him, adequate to his psychophysiological parameters, and meets the task of personal growth of the teacher and students cannot be formed.
The use of new pedagogical technologies increases students' self-esteem, gives students a good experience of socialization, strengthens the team. The teacher–student relationship is changing significantly. The priority of the teaching position is changing to genuine academic cooperation.
Cooperation is the highest level of consistency of positions in activity, in the language of psychological science, the organization of subject–subject relations in joint activities.
The main signs of cooperation are:
- purposefulness (striving for a common goal);
- motivation (active, interested attitude to joint activities);
- integrity (interconnectedness of the participants in the activity);
- structuring (clear distribution of functions, rights, responsibilities, responsibilities);
- consistency (coordination of the actions of the participants in the activity, low level of conflict);
- organization (regularity of activity, ability to manage and self-government);
- effectiveness (the ability to achieve results).
Educational cooperation in the educational process is an extensive network of interactions along the following four lines:
1) teacher – student (students);
2) student – student in pairs (dyads) and in triads (triads);
3) group-wide interaction of students in the entire educational team
4) the teacher is the teaching staff.
Educational cooperation is organized using various methods and techniques that simultaneously regulate the activities of participants. The most common ways of educational cooperation in solving educational tasks are discussion, discussion of a problematic issue. Dialogue and joint decision arise when logical reasoning, mutual analysis and mutual assessment of different points of view are required.
In the modern world, a teacher should organize the work of children so that they themselves "figure out" how to solve the key problem of the lesson and themselves can explain how to act in new conditions. The actions of students become more active, creative, independent, and the role of the teacher is reduced to "directing", i.e. we observe, direct, coordinate this active, cognitive activity of students.
Each teacher must comply with a number of conditions during pedagogical interaction:
a) to constantly support the pupil's desire to learn;
b) to provide each individual with conditions for independent discoveries, the acquisition of new experiences in creative life;
c) create communicative conditions to support the activity of pupils;
d) to stimulate productive communication with the student in the course of educational activities;
e) stimulate proper relationships in the classroom;
f) to contribute to the formation of the pupil's personality.
In a friendly atmosphere, using all the components of the learning process, the principles that guide the teacher, methods and technologies, the teacher will be able to achieve the effectiveness of the learning process.
The game is one of the most important ways of becoming a child's personality, mastering basic communication skills, forming a creative personality, where a person reveals his sometimes dormant, unexpected opportunities for others. It is the game that allows you to feel the true freedom of creativity.
Working in pairs – the ability to cooperate plays a big role in a child's life. Successful cooperation in a couple helps to increase work efficiency and gives a feeling of emotional comfort, satisfaction and joy from interacting with another person.
Children must agree among themselves, take into account their own and partner's wishes. He analyzes his own experience in a couple and learns about the practice of others. Thus, his personal knowledge is enriched, he begins to understand how to work in pairs in order to achieve greater efficiency. The child realizes and accepts the idea of a contract.
Working in groups creates work in a mini-team, where children, trying to use the experience of interaction in the classroom, try to agree among themselves, distributing roles in order to achieve results. Group discussion is of developmental importance for every child.
Such work plays an important role in mutual learning, for the development of communication skills:
- express your thoughts and actions in speech;
- to make statements understandable to the partner, taking into account what the partner sees and knows and what is not;
- ask questions;
- use speech to regulate your actions.
- use speech adequately to plan and regulate your actions;
- to argue their position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in joint activities;
- to carry out mutual control and provide necessary assistance in cooperation.
The use of problem–based learning technology teaches children to ask questions (problems) and look for answers to them - the most important factor in increasing the quality of education, a means of preparing for creativity and work.
Project activity is a pedagogical technology focused not on the integration of factual knowledge, but on their application and the acquisition of new knowledge through self–education. The method gives scope for the creative initiative of schoolchildren and the teacher, implies their cooperation, which creates a positive motivation for the child to study. Each student puts knowledge, creativity and hard work into their project. These can be individual, group, or collective works.
As practice shows, it is impossible to imagine a modern school without new information technologies.
The process of interaction between a teacher and students in a lesson is a mutual process between a teacher and students. And here, all the components of the learning process, the principles that guide the teacher, the methods and technologies used in the work become important and affect the effectiveness of learning.
Only the cooperation of a student and a teacher, involving a communicative approach to the development of the information and educational space, is able to fully ensure that both participants understand its integrity.